I'm starting over with fresh installs and starting with edain this time to see if I can get AotR to work after this time. So my question is how do get everything working? Don't need multiple installations and multiple app data folders that I have to rename everytime I want to play one patch, mod or the other? There's a tutorial on the AotR site that I followed that didn't work. I could not get it to work on 1.02 when I switched back. Also rotwk stopped working when I tried to switch to 1.01 for Edain.

Not only could I not boot 1.09 (no disk error) when I changed to 1.06 bgmeii would not work AotR wouldn't work. I was trying to use bfmeii 1.09 and install Edain and I switched patches. Has anyone gotten a configuration to work for most updated patches/mods to work? I had AotR working and I could get online with T3A. You can also checkout Val's youtube channel for many preview videos of patch content.So the bfme patch switcherbroke my installs somehow for both rotwk and bfmeii. We have a good map pool of quality over quantity which was not the case in 1.08. We also refined maps a lot and deleted the Tower Wars ones as they are mostly balanced for 1.06. I have included some preview content below, the best way to preview though of course is to play the patch! There are hundreds of new Special FX, hundreds of new sounds, and new models. Also a big thanks to Paramatha for coding the switcher for us. Thanks to all in the beta team for their input and fine tuning of balance, notable mentions are included in the patch credits. I would like to extend thanks to Echelon for being my right hand man, and Rider of Rohan for helping a lot with art, and work on the switcher. Almost 3 years of work, thousands of hours of work on both balance, cosmetics, and sounds, this is truly the biggest ever patch published in the BFME Franchise. It's been a long, long road, and I would first like to thank everyone who invested time into this monster sized patch. Hi All, Patch 1.09 is finally here for download. PATCH 1.09 VERSION 1.0 HAS BEEN REPLACED BY VERSION 2.0 - DOWNLOAD LINKS IN THIS THREAD REMOVED