Make Alot Of scouts and camels they are cheap but strong and also make spermen and archers and don't forget siege weapons make alot of battering rams and put your infantry insidem so when a batering ram is destroyed soldiers burst out and attack it is soooo cool! Ok here are units you should use for atacking an enemy and defending your town: Repeat to get resources quickly. | Submitted by Salton_x Press again, then press + V to paste the word on the screen for activation. For example wood, press, type lumberjack, highlight the word, then press + C to copy it. Use the following trick to rapidly enter the cheat codes and get resources quickly. While in game, open the chat box by pressing Enter, and typeĪnd 'cheese steak jimmy's' for 1000 food. When in the game Press Enter then type in "Marco" to have the full map do the same then type in "Polo" to have no fog of war. | Submitted by Dragoon_Master So type in torpedo2 to destroy player 2. | Submitted by callum In chat box type in torpedo with no space enter the player number you want to destroy for example 2. While in a game click on the tribute menu down the list will be the players names.at the top will be player 1 and below 2 and after 3,4,5 and so on. 'how do you turn this on'-Gives An Awesome Cobra Car (Destroys Enemies super fast) | Submitted by salom_x

'black death'-Destroy All Enemies (you win) Press while playing to bring up chat box, then type: He has the best armor and attack in the whole game. | Submitted by CenturionZ_1 After all that community created Forgotten Empires expansion pack with new civilization with improved game play for more fun.Whilst ingame, open the chat box and type 'Furious the monkey boy' and a monkey unit will appear beside your Town Center. With map editor you can create your own game scenarios. You can have a loads of fun by just watching a recorded game which consist of computer players. Extremely addictive Pros: - No 2 games alike - Many civilizations to play - Still active game rooms for competitive multi-player game play after a decade, check through "GameRanger" - Addition to built in game types, various community created game types to play. Cons: - Not the best AI, game difficulty is set by giving additional resources to computer player in the start.

If you are looking for modern day graphics this is not the game for you, if you go for game play over graphics keep on reading.

Played thousands of hours with my brothers over LAN & then in Internet. If you are looking for modern day The best strategy game for me.